Well Intended

Thoughts on functional care and the whole person.

Jim Kerwin Jim Kerwin

Functional Medicine v Integrative Medicine - The Perimenopause Case Study

At Tendwell, our Institute for Functional Medicine Certified practitioners take a root-cause, personalized approach. We also blend in Integrative medicine. You may be wondering what the differences are between the two approaches. While they are very similar, there are some differences. Taking as a case study, the general approach that might be taken to address perimenopause, this blog explains the similarities and differences in the two approaches.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Genetics are not destiny. Functional medicine can help.

In our Denver, CO functional medicine practice, we commonly order tests meant to dig deep into each patient’s personal risk profile, propensity for disease, and opportunities for better health. Sometimes patients who find they have a genetic risk factor for disease question whether there is anything they can do. The answer: while genes play a very important role in health, we all have the power to strongly influence our personal risks. With the guidance of a functional medicine practitioner at Tendwell, you can take concrete steps to vastly improve your long-term health outlook. In this blog, we address genetics, disease risk, and what you can do about it.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

The Health Benefits of Using a Weighted Vest

In recent years, wearing a weighted vest has become quite popular especially in functional medicine circles. I actually just purchased a weighted vest myself to wear around the house and to wear while running and doing strength training at home. There are several options out there but a good rule of thumb is to begin with a weighted vest that is about 5-10% of your body weight and work up slowly. This may mean investing (pun intended!) in several weighted vests or purchasing a vest you can add weight to (usually in 2 lb increments). I have recommended weighted vests to many patients including my own father who is working to increase bone density and prevent bone loss. Wearing a weighted vest is an efficient way to increase gains, primarily in the realm of fitness and physical performance.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Using teas to reduce water retention

Swelling, water retention, edema…these symptoms can plague even the most active among us. Water retention can occur due to taking hormones (either as part of perimenopause or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) or not). While many women are very happy with MHT, swollen feet and ankles are never welcome. Though we can always turn to conventional medicine to reduce swelling, many of the clients at our functional medicine office in Denver Colorado prefer to start with or transition to a more natural approach. This is when I love turning to teas.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Spotlight on L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is a naturally occurring compound found in the body, primarily in places with high levels of the mighty mitochondria (muscles, heart, liver, and kidneys). L-carnitine plays a crucial role in the metabolism of fatty acids, particularly by facilitating the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are used to produce energy.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

HRV or Heart Rate Variability

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) refers to the variation in time intervals between consecutive heartbeats. It's a measure of the flexibility and adaptability of the cardiovascular system, reflecting the balance between the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches of the autonomic nervous system. Higher HRV typically indicates a greater ability to respond to stressors.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

How Functional Medicine Can Help You Navigate a World Full of EDCs

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are natural or human-made chemicals that may mimic, block, or interfere with the body’s hormones, which are part of the endocrine system. These chemicals are associated with a wide array of health issues. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are natural or human-made substances that can interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system in humans and animals. They do this by mimicking, blocking, or interfering with the body’s hormones, which are part of the endocrine system. The endocrine system plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, influencing growth, development, metabolism, and other bodily functions.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Visceral Fat in Menopause

Abdominal adiposity. Apple bodies. My best friend was just lamenting to me about what she was calling her “meno-belly”. Another friend told me that she was going to “throw up” if she heard the term “visceral fat” again. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, refers to the fat that accumulates around the abdomen and internal organs. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is found just beneath the skin, visceral fat is deeper within the abdominal cavity and surrounds vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Excess visceral fat has been linked to an increased risk of various health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Joint Pain in Menopause – A Functional Medicine Perspective

Overall, joint pain during perimenopause and menopause is multifactorial, with hormonal changes, changes in connective tissue, lifestyle factors, and underlying health conditions all playing a role. If you're experiencing significant joint pain or discomfort during perimenopause or menopause, it's essential to consult with a functional medicine healthcare professional for evaluation and management. They can help determine the underlying cause of your joint pain and recommend appropriate treatment options—a well-rounded approach that doesn’t leave you with an empty diagnosis and no realistic way through to better health.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Spotlight on Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Most of us in the functional medicine field are aware of the pop culture status of mushrooms. Various blends of mushroom “coffee” pop up in my Instagram feed all the time. Mudwatr—have it. Om—seen it. ClevrBlends—Chai is delicious but the Sleeptime is disgusting, IMHO. I recently decided that instead of a food-based blend, I would focus on taking Lion’s Mane at a daily therapeutic dose. This would be at least 100 mg a day. Lion's Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) has gained attention for its potential cognitive benefits, including memory enhancement. In perimenopause and menopause, hormonal changes can affect memory and cognitive function (think: word recall or word finding or just feeling less sharp), Lion's Mane may offer some support.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Insulin Resistance: What is insulin resistance? How do I know I have it and what can I do?

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the cells in your body don't respond properly to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels. When cells become insulin resistant, they don't effectively absorb glucose from the bloodstream. Over time, this can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and other health issues like cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, decreased muscle mass, hormonal concerns, obesity and even osteoporosis (low bone density).

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Why Treating Migraines Without Using a Functional Medicine Approach Often Fails

A functional medicine approach to migraine management is increasingly favored. At Tendwell, we manage many patients’ migraines and have provided relief where many thought it was impossible. An integrative and functional approach may include identifying and avoiding triggers, making lifestyle modifications, stress management, and using medications that target the specific aspects of migraines for an individual. If you're experiencing migraines, make an appointment today to find out about a Tendwell membership.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

CIRS and Mold Mycotoxin Exposures

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a condition that can occur in individuals with a genetic predisposition who are exposed to biotoxins. Sometimes people who have CIRS are referred to as “mold sensitive”. These humans make up more than 25% of the population and actually have genetic variations functional medicine doctors can test for. CIRS is a complex health condition that arises when the body's innate immune system responds abnormally after being exposed to these biotoxins-- especially those produced by toxic molds. Biotoxins are also produced by other creatures but for this article, we are focusing solely on mycotoxins and fungal toxins. People with CIRS genetics have bodies that struggle to eliminate mycotoxins effectively, leading to a chronic inflammatory response.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Navigating Migraines Amid Hormonal Changes in Perimenopause

At our functional medicine practice, we specialize in perimenopause and migraines. With respect to migraines, we offer a more effective root-cause approach than in traditional medical practices. For many, the instinctive response to a migraine, involves reaching for medications like Ibuprofen or prescription pain medications. However, the regular use of such medications (two or more times a week) can pose risks to the stomach and intestines, as highlighted by recent FDA warnings citing an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Clearly, something else is needed. At Tendwell, we offer an individualized plan to tackle the causes of migraines and to help women navigate the perimenopausal period.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) as an Aspect of Functional Medicine Treatment

At Tendwell, we have many patients who are entering menopause. Recent advances in hormone therapies for menopause (“Menopausal Hormone Therapy”, “MH”, or “MHT”), also known as hormone replacement therapy (“HRT”), make it a great compliment to holistic and integrative approaches for women experiencing menopause. The decision to start MHT should be made in consultation with your Tendwell healthcare provider based on a thorough assessment of your individual health, medical history, and symptoms.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Explained

A CGM or continuous glucose monitor, is a small wearable device that you can place on the back of your arm. It allows you to view your glucose levels continuously and in real time.
CGMs were originally developed for use by patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. However, it has become clear that anyone can benefit from using a CGM, whether diabetic or not. In fact, a CGM can contribute greatly to overall well-being. Here’s how it works:

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Navigating Genetic Health: Strategies and Considerations from the Functional Medicine Perspective

Understanding and managing the risk of genetic diseases is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall health. While we can't alter our genetic makeup, there are practical steps we can take to minimize the impact of genetic factors. This functional medicine blog explores key strategies for risk reduction, the role of genetic testing, and the holistic approach of functional medicine.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

What is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

As we cross solidly into the Fall season, some people’s allergies cease to bother them while others with indoor environmental allergies (dust, dust mites) are on the rise. Interestingly, having seasonal allergies may increase a person’s likelihood of having certain food allergies and vice versa. There are many potential cross-reactions with foods that should be considered when someone has environmental allergies. Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is caused by cross reactivity between proteins in fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts with pollens. This syndrome occurs in a large number (up to 70 percent) of people with pollen allergy.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

What does a holistic approach to thyroid concerns look like?

Thyroid dysfunction affects 1 in 7 people, most of whom are women. Development of a thyroid disorder can occur at many different moments in life but people often become aware of a thyroid issue when they are planning a pregnancy, actively pregnant, or experiencing a hormonal transition in perimenopause or menopause. Despite the prevalence of thyroid disorders, many primary care providers do not routinely screen for them. At Tendwell, we take a different more nuanced approach to thyroid assessment and treatment. In this functional medicine blog, I will discuss some of these approaches.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

A functional medicine approach to mental health

Depression and anxiety have many causes. These mental health issues can be thought of as analogous to pneumonia. Pneumonia can have many causes: viral, bacterial, fungal…each one in fact results in pneumonia but each one (viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia and fungal pneumonia) calls for different treatments based on its root cause. I think this way about depression and anxiety as well. There is no one size fits all approach. This is what a functional medicine approach is all about—rejecting the one-size-fits-all model and creating personalized medicine for each patient.

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